
Answers to Real-World Diabetes Questions | Ask D'Mine - mullinspriont

Do you have got questions about navigating life with diabetes? Then you came to the right place.

Here at DiabetesMine, we've been running a each week diabetes advice column called Ask D'Mine every Saturday since the commence of 2011. We've literally addressed hundreds of questions – from apprehension different types of insulin, to imbibing alcohol with diabetes, to birth restraint, to dealings with holiday dinners when your parentage sugar (and your nosey relatives) and not playing nice.

… and then many more topics…

Our weekly Q&A is hosted by Wil Dubois, who has lived with 1 diabetes himself for decades and is a diabetes author and former clinical diabetes specialist in New Mexico. His answers are always illuminating and fun to translate – even when addressing carbohydrate counting, diabetes foundation care, or even seizures. Wil always has peachy insights!

{Got your ain questions? Email us at}

About Riddles About Life with Diabetes

Inquire D:Mine: And the 'Worst' Type of Diabetes Is… – Which 'brand' of diabetes — type 1 or type 2 — has the most serious complications?

Ask D'Mine: Test Strips Redux, with a Little Mad Science – Is there any way to re-use those expensive ancestry glucose test strips?

Ask D'Mine: On Donating Blood or Organs with Diabetes – Can populate with diabetes sacrifice bloodline, or donate their organs to scientific discipline?

Ask D'Mine: Does Diabetes Make Me Break wind? – "Momma, is it your diabetes that makes you fart much?"

Necessitate D'Mine: Shin Bolus (?) and Carpus Cuffs – Posterior insulin be absorbed though the skin? And are wrist-style rip pressure cuffs bad for people with diabetes?

Postulate D'Mine: Type 1 Kids and Birthday Parties, How Glucagon Whole shebang – How perform you deal with T1D kids who can't eat sugary goodies or cake at parties? And how long does it hold exigency glucagon to work?

Diabetes Diet and Weight Questions

Ask D'Mine: How Low-Carb is Low Enough? – Is Dr. Bernstein's "no- sugar" lifestyle the only selection for good ancestry sugar control with diabetes?

Ask D'Mine: Losing and Gaining Weight and Thryroid Questions – What can you eat with hypothyroidism, Celiac and diabetes?

Sex, Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking with Diabetes

D-Teens and Alcohol: No Bull from Uncle Wil – A treatise on safe imbibition for teens with diabetes (must-read!)

Ask D'Mine: Methabetic Dangers – What does taking meth impact a diabetic?

Ask D'Mine: Smokin' Cigars with Diabetes – Doh cigars make your blood glucose go up?

Necessitate D'Mine: On STDs, and Catching Diabetes from Sex? – Are people with diabetes approximately likely than "normal" multitude to get sexually transmitted diseases?

Ask D'Mine: The Best Family planning with Diabetes Is… – What's the best birth prevention method acting for Females With Diabetes (FWDs)?

Questions About Insulin

Ask D'Mine: Missing in Action – What can PWDs (hoi polloi with diabetes) do if and when we miss a Zen of insulin?

Ask D'Mine: Forgot My Insulin… and I'm on Vacation! – "I 'm on vacation and forgot my Lantus. How long can I go without IT?"

Need D'Mine: Revisiting the Missed Insulin Shot Question – If I forget to take my shot before dinner what should I practice?

Ask D'Mine: Insulin on the Rocks – How acold potty insulin get and still be "OK"?

Ask D'Mine: Musical Carb Ratios, and When the Honeymoon Ends... – What causes my insulin-to-carb ratio to change, and is it normal to change such?

Ask D'Mine: Discovering Your Active Insulin Meter – How manage you figure out your "athletic insulin time" for programming your insulin pump?

Ask D'Mine: New Basal Insulin Toujeo, New Dosing Math – How do you set doses for the new 'concentrated' basal insulin Toujeo?

Ask D'Mine: Our Lifespan Sans Insulin? – How extended can a type 1 polygenic disorder hold up without whatever insulin?

Ask D'Mine: A Killing Dose of Insulin – How big along an insulin dose would it take to commit suicide?

On Choosing Diabetes Medications

Deman D'Mine: Managing Blood Sugars on Steroids, Considering Whether to Follow Your Meds – Some suggestions for manipulation blood sugars while connected (saccharide-raising) steroid medications?

Ask D'Mine: Insulin Alternatives for Type 2 Diabetes – What kind of oral medications pot be taken for T2 diabetes?

Ask D'Mine: Quitting Victoza, Pregnancy Insulin(s)? – What to execute when Victoza stops working? And which insulins can equal secondhand safely during gestation?

Ask D'Mine: To Confuse Up or Not To Throw Up, That is the Question – Should you take meds to stop vomiting when you have the influenza with diabetes?

Questions on Diabetes Complications

Ask D'Mine: Do Lows Cause Mentality Equipment casualty, Does Diabetes Cause Cramps? – Are there whatever studies on long-run damage receivable to prolonged low blood glucose?

Ask D'Mine: When Neuropathy Can Stamp out – Potty a diabetes complication called autonomic neuropathy kill you?

Ask D'Mine: All More or less Seizures, and Gelid Funky Feet – Does diabetes cause seizures? And what bathroom be done about toe fungus?

*** END ***


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